Monday 26 January 2015

Custom Earrings And Body Piercing Rings

How To Get Customized Jewelry Made

This post talks about how to get any sort of jewelry made to your specifications, specifically earrings, nose rings, belly button rings, tongue rings, etc, but the same advice can also be used for necklaces, bracelets, or any type of jewelry.

As you can see in the photo above, you can get your name, or any other word made into an earring, or you can get a diamond watch with your name inside the glass.

You can get a pendant made up in the shape of anything you want, an animal, a baseball bat and ball, a miniature camera, whatever you want.

Before going into it too much further, I'll give you the link to (in my opinion), the best custom jewelry manufacturer:, based in the USA.

That link leads to their custom earring design page, they also have pages which showcase their talents in custom making watches, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, chains and more.

They don't just do custom designs, they are one of the largest wholesale jewelry manufacturers in the world, and have tens of thousands of ready made items to choose from, mostly made out of diamonds and gold, along with other precious gems and metals.

A Cheaper Alternative For Earrings

If you're not looking for a ring made with diamonds, you might want to check out some of these other sites:

These sites will allow you to purchase earrings and rings for body piercing made with your own custom design, or you may find that they already have the exact thing you want, already made up.

Getting a piece of jewelry made up specially for you is going to cost a bit more than one of a set of thousands of items that are all made in the same way in a factory, but not much more, you just have to pay for the time and materials it takes to make the thing.

My guess is that if you're going to all this trouble, it's probably going to be a gift for someone special, so your best bet is the first site I mentioned, because they deal in high quality jewelry that has real gold and diamonds in it.

If you're buying jewelry for a woman, chances are they hope it's going to be real diamonds, real gold, and real silver, rather than stainless steel, but then again, you can't be expected to pay hundreds, or thousands of dollars for a gift when you don't earn that much.

These sites have all been around for a while, and have many satisfied customers, that's about all I have to say on it, if you have any more questions, get in touch with the support teams on each of these sites, and I'm sure you will get what you're looking for.

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